QWAZR Library

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The library is a set of tools and connectors available in a QWAZR application.

Location of the configuration files

These objects are defined in JSON files located in the etc directory on the ROOT of a QWAZR application.

The environnement variable “QWAZR_ETC” accepts wildcard patterns filtering which file will be loaded.

A typical etc structure:

|-- etc
    | -- dev-tools.json
    | -- dev-connectors.json
    | -- prod-tools.json
    | -- prod-connectors.json
    | -- testing.json

Configuration files are loaded if theirs names matches any wildcard pattern in the QWAZR_ETC environment variable.:


The content of a configuration file

Each library object is defined by its Java class and a set of customized properties.

Here is an example of etc/global.json configuration file:

  "library": {
    "freemarker": {
      "class": "com.qwazr.tools.FreeMarkerTool"
    "markdown": {
      "class": "com.qwazr.tools.MarkdownTool",
      "extensions": [
    "properties": {
      "class": "com.qwazr.tools.PropertiesTool",
      "path": "site.properties"

Usage with Javascript

In your Javascript application, these objects are exposed by the global variable qwazr.

//Use the Markdown tool to convert my Markdown file as HTML
var html = qwazr.markdown.toHtml('my_files/README.md')

// Put the HTML as an attribute of the request object
request.attributes.currentfile = html

// Use the Freemarker tool to display the template
qwazr.freemarker.template("templates/my_template.ftl", request, response)

Usage with Java

In a JAVA application, these objects are injected using annotations:

import com.qwazr.library.Qwazr;

public class MyClass {

    FreemarkerTool freemarker;