QWAZR Extractor

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Text and meta-data extraction service. The extractor module exposes a JSON web service for text and meta-data extraction. Here is the list of supported binary formats. Click on the link to see the description of the returned informations.


Run using Docker

docker run -p 9091:9091 qwazr/extractor

Obtain the parser list

curl -XGET http://localhost:9091/extractor

The function returns the list of available parsers.


Get information about a parser

curl -XGET http://localhost:9091/extractor/text

The function displays which fields are returned by the parser and the available methods.

  "returnedFields" : [ {
    "name" : "content",
    "type" : "STRING",
    "description" : "The content of the document"
  }, {
    "name" : "lang_detection",
    "type" : "STRING",
    "description" : "Detection of the language"
  }, {
    "name" : "charset_detection",
    "type" : "STRING",
    "description" : "Detection of the charset"
  } ],
  "file_extensions" : [ "txt" ],
  "mime_types" : [ "text/plain" ]

Submit a document

There are several options to extract data from a file.

  1. The location of the file:
    • The file may be uploaded (PUT)
    • The file is already available on the the server (GET)
  2. The parser selection:
    • Specify a parser
    • Use the auto detection system.

Extract data by uploading a document

Using a specified parser

curl -XPUT --data-binary @tutorial.pdf http://localhost:9091/extractor/pdfbox

Using parser auto-detection

curl -XPUT --data-binary @tutorial.pdf http://localhost:9091/extractor?name=tutorial.pdf

Extract from document already present on the server

If the file is already available in the server, the extraction can made by passing the path of the file.

Using a specified parser

curl -XGET http://localhost:9091/extractor/pdfbox?path=/home/manu/tutorial.pdf

Using parser auto-detection

curl -XGET http://localhost:9091/extractor?path=/home/manu/tutorial.pdf

The returned informations

The parser extracts the metas and text information using the following JSON format:

	"time_elapsed": 2735,
	"metas": {
		"number_of_pages": [7],
		"producer": ["FOP 0.20.5"]
	"documents": [
			"content": ["Table of contents Requirements Getting Started Deleting Querying Data Sorting Text  Analysis Debugging"],
			"rotation": [ 0 ],
			"lang_detection": ["en" ]


Writing a parser is easy. Just extends the abstract class ParserAbstract and implements the required methods.

protected void parseContent(InputStream inputStream, String extension, String mimeType) throws Exception;

The parse must build a list of ParserDocument. A parser may return one or more documents (one document per page, one document per RSS item, …). A Parser Document is a list of name/value pair.

Have a look at the Rtf class to see a simple example.

	protected void parseContent(InputStream inputStream, String extension,
			String mimeType) throws Exception {

		// Extract the text data
		RTFEditorKit rtf = new RTFEditorKit();
		Document doc = rtf.createDefaultDocument();
		rtf.read(inputStream, doc, 0);

		// Obtain a new parser document.
		ParserDocument result = getNewParserDocument();

		// Fill the field of the ParserDocument
		result.add(CONTENT, doc.getText(0, doc.getLength()));

		// Apply the language detection
		result.add(LANG_DETECTION, languageDetection(CONTENT, 10000));
