Insert/update a document

Use this API to insert or update a document into an index.


The field $id$ is a reserved keyword for the primary key of the document. If the primary key is not provided, a time based UUID is automatically generated.

curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @my_payload \

Where the payload file (my_payload) contains the document to index:

  "document": {
      "$id$": "5",
      "name": "Fifth name",
      "category": [
      "format": "odd",
      "size": 500,
      "price": 10.50,
      "stock": 0,
      "description": [
        "A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.",
        "The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages.",
        "The information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files.",
        "Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories."
  "commit_user_data": {
    "my_key": "my_value"